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E-cigarettes and Vaping Just As Bad On Lung Health As Cigarettes

Photo credit: Itay Kabalo, UnsplashResearchers from the University of North Carolina Health Care have discovered that emphysema is just as likely in e-cigarette smokers as it is in traditional cigarette smokers. The takeaway is that vaping appears to be just as harmful as cigarettes.

“Our findings in this study indicate that vaping may not be safer than cigarette smoking,” said researcher Robert Tarran, PhD. 

The researchers sampled lung fluid for three different protease enzymes that came from cigarette smokers, e-cigarette smokers, and non-smokers. Previous studies have shown that smokers have higher levels of these enzymes, which can lead to emphysema. Researchers wanted to gauge the levels in the three different groups to see how e-cigarettes are affecting consumers’ lung function. 

All of the participants were tested for their levels of the three different enzymes. Non-smokers were found to have normal levels of these enzymes, and were not at an increased risk of emphysema. Not so much for traditional smokers and e-cigarette smokers. 

E-cigarette and cigarette smoke affected the lungs in much the same way, meaning emphysema may be just as likely for either form of inhalant.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced its plan to further investigate claims that e-cigarettes have a direct link to lung disease.

Click here to read the full report on Consumer Reports.

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